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Tuesday, 17 May 2011

"Love your imperfection. Be yourself" - YA RIGHT !

I've been wanting to do this for a very very long time ...

Ever since the setting up of my blog (ok i know it's just a week old), there's something that I've always wanted to blog about.

You know all those life quotes ?

Stuff like " Treat life as your canvas. Make it your masterpiece ! "

Or " Work hard. Love harder "

Some of those actually do make sense.

But only some.

In fact. Not really. Probably about 10% of all life quotes do make sense. 5% of them makes some sense.

And the other 85% of them ?


Some of them are so stupid I can't help but to openly mock them on my blog today.

Let's just see some of the more silly ones.


Ya sure. If everyone follows this quote, we will all be wiped out in one generation.

You wanna safeguard your heart ? Dig it out, put it in one of those DBS safe boxes.

There. Safe. There's just the very small condition of the yearly fee that's all.



Nothing wrong with this supposed "idea" actually.

The thing is, if you believe lies so much, why would you learn to trust yourself in the end instead of trusting others ? Wouldn't be more probable that because you believe lies so much that in the end, you no longer can trust yourself but only to trust others ?



This is what I'll call a social suicide tweet.

Please. For the love of all that is good and holy. Do not learn from this tweet.

This tweet is probably made by someone who wants to get more attention, hence decide to do the exact opposite in order to get what he wants.

Not happening.

Not gonna happen.

In life, there's only that many "are you okay ? I've not seen you for a long time" or " Hi. Have you been MIA-ing ? " you can get.

I'm not lying.

Sooner or later. People are just gonna "Uh ... Actually I don't know what is wrong with him ..."

It's true.

It's happening everywhere I go. Some of such "reverse psychology" methods to gain more love and time from those you're directing this to can only be used up to a few times a year. Do not repeat such techniques the year after. It'll just be dull and people will just avoid you completely.

Don't believe. Try lo. You ain't no Michael Jackson. That guy can MIA for years and years on end and then appear and then MIA again and after which people will still cheer/cry/laugh/strip/sell their souls for him and not care about him MIA-ing one bit.

No one else is. Do not. I repeat. Do not do this.


This. tweet is just utterly sexist.

This is really nonsense.

Such tweets only perpetuates the fact that many guys do such things.

Many is a relative term.

As far as i know, there's no statistics to be found saying that around the world, there are more men who cheat on wives than women cheating on men.

There isn't any.

As far as I know, research always does empirical generalisation. It's always a linear simplification of certain general conclusion that points fingers at guys who cheats on their spouse and then starts the spreading of ideas that there're more men cheating than women.

Simply not true and simply unfounded.

Such tweets are really irresponsible.

You know why such tweets are popular ?

Because generally, female tends to communicate a lot more. Some ideas are spread around by gossiping faster than most new headlines. Untruths are made into truths. Uncomfortable truths shoved aside to make room for more untruths.

It's true. I even have, on hand, many researches and studies to validate what I had said.

Such tweets, therefore, are utter crap.


So if I humped a giraffe, what i did is not wrong, but becoming an animal humper is that wrong you're talking about ?


This tweet. Is again. Not true.

Everyone dreams of being in harmony with society.

It is true. People don't realise it but secretly, deep down inside, they may or may not be aware of the fact that they desire to blend in and be every single bit as normal as the one next to them. Normality is a relative concept.

It's not right to keep such tweets around in your mind.

It's just an added impetus to be a social outcast and you know it.

If you start eating dog meat in Singapore and you like doing it even if others dislike it and everyone knows about you enjoying dog meat and not stopping in spite of everyone's disapproval, guess what will happen to you.

Yup. You're right. A social outcast. Again.

Such tweets can only be approved in exceptional cases. Like you trying to make the world a better place. Like Jesus, like Gandhi, like Mother Teresa.

Only in such situations will such tweets make sense.

This tweet is just gonna encourage people to be "weird" and then be happy about it. Not gonna happen.


Some dreams ought to be shot down on general principles.

If your dreams ain't working out, really, it probably means that it's not a good one.

Such phrase, once again, are created by people who have weird ( not just weird, but literally wackodoodledo, weird-ass ) dreams like trying to enter into the world records for having the longest fingernails, most mutated body parts or the desire to make friends with sharks. They know that people tends to disapprove. For good reasons i must add. So they have the need to generate such quotes in order to feel better about themselves and to show the world that they do not quit.

I say, quit ! You fool !

Quit such dreams now before you have no friends because they all complain about bad personal hygiene when you overgrow your fingernails, avoid you because your mutated body parts puts you in the same category as ET and are afraid to spend Saturday nights-out with you because they don't wanna end up being shark food !

Quit i say quit !

Stop being weird !

Okay I honestly have a lot more but I'm getting tired of editing the pictures so that I won't be harassed incessantly.

Such tweets are out to promote individuality and self-centeredness. At least I can safely say that some of them do.

Such tweets like literally dangerous in real-life application and have downright scary consequences if one decides to adopt them all.

There're even researches done on people who came out with such life quotes and have concluded that some of such quotes have ulterior purposes such as being slogans of some universally-shunned groups like Satanic cults or I don't know, either strawberry head-shaped club or something.

You need to think through such quotes before deciding to use them as your life's motto or some guiding light.

Don't you have friends who die die decide to stick to some weird ass life motto which sometimes, really makes no damn sense at all ?

Yeah !

Don't you realize that some of them literally have the word "WEIRD CLOWN" spelt right over their heads ? It's true really. Some weird looking head shapes do have weird thoughts dwelling deep inside. Waiting for the opportune time to burst out of its cocoon and start being weird.

Don't follow such examples !

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